Wednesday, January 2, 2019

So what do you think about Elizabeth Warren running for President?

So I just recently watched this Young Turks video about Elizabeth Warren running for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States, and I think she is going to lose. It's not so much her, but the Democrats have acted so poorly in the recent past that she won't be able to get that stink off of her. I think in general for the Democrats, the chickens have come home to roost, regarding their policies. The Great Society/War on Poverty has decimated the Black community. Democrats can no longer count on the Black vote. There were the Obama years which saw wars, bailouts, and a lopsided economic recovery. There are the sins of the Hillary, which include destroying Libya, and Honduras. I invite everyone to read The Nation A Voter’s Guide to Hillary Clinton’s Policies in Latin America. The Democratic Party can not be trusted. It doesn't matter who "they" put up as President.
For me, I left the Democrats after Hillary Clinton lost. I gave money to her campaign and voted for her. After that, I could no longer support this 1-party system masquerading as a 2-party system. For me, Democrats and Republicans are essentially the same. Neither wants to tackle the problems facing the Country and are quite happy to pass the ball back and forth to each other. That is why I vote 3rd party. I encourage everyone else to leave this farce and find 3rd and 4th parties to support and vote for. As a U.S. citizen I know we, as a people, can do better than Democrats and Republicans.

I'll end this off by saying that if Trump survives to 2020 his victory is assured. If the incoming Senate Republicans decide to impeach and remove him things could get interesting.