So what do I think about Pres. Trump decision to pull troops from Syria? I think it is a good idea. We, (United States Miltary), were not invited by the democratically elected Pres. Bashar al-Assad. ISIS was created by the United States under Pres. Obama for the exact purpose of overthrowing Syria. Pres. Obama said he was arming the moderates, but ISIS somehow ended up with all the weapons and trucks.
So here is what we are lead to believe, a terrorist organization with dreams of creating a caliphate in Syria and Iraq is in cahoots with the same government it's trying to overthrow!!!! What On Earth!!! So we, (United States Military) need to defeat the Syrian government, set up a pro-USA puppet government and protect the moderates/ISIS. In-frickin-sane the lies.
There's so much more to this story. I hope this pull out is permeant. I hope someone does a documentary chronologizing all the fuxkery. How many people died, how much money wasted, and all for what? Oil? Oil, we did this all for Oil? We did this for Israel? Is Israel somehow safer with ISIS in control of Syria. I don't think so unless this was some grandmaster chess plan to somehow make Syria weaker to take over later on down the road. I don't know, sounds like paranoia, but we really don't have any idea what the side games being played are.
So in closing, I know that you hate Pres. Trump and want him out of office, but this move might have just bought us a few more minutes before nuclear war. That in my book deserves a +1. So I present to Pres. Trump a +1. Don't squander it.
This felt good to get off my mind. These are just my thoughts. These posts are not meant to change hearts and minds or to wage some kind of propaganda war against the prevailing order. Think of this like a diary or journal you can read. A barometer.